Friday, March 16, 2012

Bravo! and Black Bears

John and I love testing equipment. It satisfies his engineering mind to constantly design and try out new materials in the back country. It satisfies me to know the products we produce have been "vetted" before going on the market.An added perk of testing equipment, is the opportunity it affords for me to take to the woods. 
 My absolute favorite, is black bear season. I love bears. They are incredibly fascinating creatures. They have an acute sense of hearing, and as I like to say, "They can sniff a fart out of a whirlwind." Don't judge...I grew up with five brothers. 
 I follow their bear trails and mark up my GPS with : bear trails, good berry patches, tracks, demolished stumps,ect.  Each one is a clue to the puzzle. Up and over canyons, down into crick bottoms,through old burns, I follow. I can't help myself. 
  I love finding baby bear tracks, their tiny feet leaving little impressions in the mud by a creek.Wisdom dictates that I don't explore in that area for the time being. I leave baby bear and his mum alone to their peaceful existence in the briars.
 My favorite mountain creek has a bear in it every year. After a few blown stocks, I've finally learned how to hunt it, and have taken bears from it. My husband John, laughs at me, as I am not a real big "Why?" person. However, bears are different. I want to know why about everything they do. Why do they use this trail? Why do they come to this drainage? Why is there always a bear in this particular crick bottom?
 When I voiced the last question, my daughter with her mouth full of huckleberries remarked, "Because it's beautiful." Wisdom from a nine year old.

1 comment:

  1. Heather you need to write a book with you family's adventures through the years. You are a very good storyteller.

